The Management Board of P4 sp. z o.o. (“Issuer”, “Play”), the company belonging to French Iliad Group (herein being Iliad SA and its subsidiaries), due to the completion of financial data aggregation process for the preparation of the consolidated report of Iliad Group for the third quarter of 2021, hereby publishes the Issuer's preliminary consolidated selected financial information for the third quarter of 2021, as defined by Iliad Group reporting standards: Attachment no 1
The Issuer recorded unexpectedly high levels of Prepaid SIM activity induced by mass inbound calls from third parties (mostly telemarketers) in the third quarter of 2021. The Issuer has retrospectively adjusted Prepaid active subscriber definition to exclude such events that have little to no impact on revenue generation. The Issuer believes that this will allow to present a meaningful set of KPIs on subscriber base and ARPU going forward. The change has no impact on reported Nominal RGU base
Legal basis: Art. 17 MAR
Selected financial information of P4 Sp. z o.o. for Q3 2021 (PDF)