The Management Board of P4 sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw (the “Issuer”) informs about convening the Meeting of Bondholders of series A bonds (the “Bondholders Meeting”) for 3 February 2021 at 2:00 p.m. in the subject matter of the amendment of the terms and conditions of series A bonds, connected with the need to consolidate certain provisions of the terms and conditions of series A bonds and adjust them to the provisions of the terms and conditions of series B bonds issued by the Issuer on 29 December 2020, of the aggregate nominal value of PLN 500,000,000, referred to in the Issuer’s current report no. 13/2020 of 18 December 2020.

The Issuer informs that bondholders may participate in the Bondholders Meeting with the use of means of electronic communication only.

Detailed information regarding the conditions participation in the Bondholders Meeting and the subject matter of the Bondholders Meeting is included in the notice convening the Bondholders Meeting, which constitutes a schedule to this current report.

Legal basis: § 5 sec. 1 point 7 of Schedule no. 4 of the to the Bylaws of the Alternative Trading System

Notice Convening The Meeting Of Bondholders Of Series A Bonds (PDF)   

Comparison - Terms and Conditions (PDF)